Friday, September 9, 2011

The Bowyer Experiment

So a couple weekends ago I had some spare time, and after reading an interesting web article I decided to conduct an experiment. The result is what Glory is holding in her hand in the below image.

...yes, the bow shoots!...actually it is a bit more powerful than I had originally expected. The arrow that she is shooting in this image has a whistle point on it so that it whistles as it flies through the air. The kids really enjoy listening to it and then going to fetch it.

For those who are interested, this bow was made with a scrape piece of pine from our house construction with a cedar riser. I am looking forward to going to Lubbock to get a nicer piece of wood and try my hand at making a nicer I stated above, this first bow was an "experiment", but now I'm hooked on this bow building stuff!



beck said...

Woah that is so awesome!

The Innkeeper said...

Oh, How sweet are the fruits of the "traditional archery" seed I have planted! Love, Whit