Wednesday, March 14, 2012


 While I was at the store around the corner, I saw yet another fruit I didn't recognize. I asked the owner what it was and she told that it is Granadilla. Because I am learning from previous mistakes, I asked her if it was for eating or for juice. She assured me that you just eat them and let me try one that she had broken open. As I left, she gave me one to take home. The shell is light and brittle like a gourd and about as big as a pear. Inside is a whole mess of seeds and gel. After getting over the fact that it looks like a cross between small watermelon seeds and fish eggs, we decided that we liked it. :-P At first we tried to spit out the seeds; this proved tasty, but very time consuming. Thanks to an internet search, we discovered that you are supposed to just chew up the seeds. The kids asked to buy some more next time, so I guess Granadilla is a success. :D
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