Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Monkey Reserve (GUEST POST)

Hello! Abigail L. visiting the Hollingsworth's in Puyo, Ecuador and guest writing a blog post for you all. :-)

While waiting for baby Noah to make his arrival (see previous blog post for details) we visited the local monkey reserve. You may recall that Taylor posted a while back that they had seen the monkeys outside the reserve and planned to return later for the full experience. 

Before even entering the reserve a monkey observed us parking and unloading. He seemed much less interested in us than we were in him as we snapped pictures. 

Nate felt very unsure about these primates and needed much reassuring from his papa that everything was okay. 
Which it was. Until a monkey got up close and personal!

Glory, Levi and Dan enjoyed walking around and seeing the birds and turtles in addition to the monkeys, some of which were in enclosures and some which were free to roam. Nate remained cautious after his previous traumatic experience and closed his eyes whenever anything was too close for comfort. 

We walked on rough pathways through the jungle area and took pleasure in God's handiwork. 

Overall, we had a fun morning seeing God's creatures and His creation. And if YOU come visit Puyo, I'm sure the Hollingsworth's would be happy to take you to see the monkey reserve as well. :-)

1 comment:

Granny B said...

Love it! Love to all.Mom