Thursday, September 25, 2014

"Mr. Eight-year-old's Birthday" - by Levi

Well, I came out into the living room and I helped Mama clean up the room. We blew up baloons and hung up a pinata we had made the day before. Then we ate breakfast and played games. When we opened up presents, I got a knife from Papa, seven motorcycles from Dan, a BUNCH of candy from Glory, and some little birthday candles from Nate. They looked like little smiley face people . Then I got to stick them on the cake. The cake was of a soccer field and they were the players. I made two goalies  and four players. It was the "pinks" against the "colorfuls". After that Papa went and got some friends of mine to play soccer with. After we played, we came home to eat cake. Tanner my friend had a present! It was a soccer ball and a boat made in China called "Junk". (Hahaha). We played soccer again at our house for a little bit and then we had to leave to go to a Bible Study, so we took the friends home. Then we went to the Bible Study. After that we came home and went to bed. 
That was my very fun birthday! :) 

1 comment:

The Innkeeper said...

Thanks for sharing, Levi!! Miss you! So glad that when you come to Texas you and Andrew can celebrate being 8 together!!! :-))